Farm Farm Dedicated to sourcing local ingredients, Local 16 truly partners with local farmers by making real up-front financial commitments to source their products. Beginning In 2005, Local 16 took its commitment one-step further by investing in a 160-acre biodynamic all-heirloom farm Virginia farm. In exchange, Whipple Farm is a restaurant partner, supplying local biodynamically-grown heirloom produce that is used daily at Local 16. The unique produce can be found in the sauce that tops the wood-fire pizzas, the heirloom vegetables that accompany summer entrees and the James Bond eggs (coming in the fall of 2011) that will be used as a brunch staple. To support the biodynamic mission, Local 16 uses wood from the farm to fire the oven and the ashes are returned to help fertilize the soil. Starting in May of 2011, Local 16 will further support the farm by providing a venue for Whipple Farms' to create their own Farmers Market at Local 16.